
First Free Night in the 'Loops

Well kids, I'm finally all settled in my new digs here in beautiful British Columbia. After driving out here on Wednesday, I finally have found a few hours to myself here on this Saturday night. The place is all set up for the most part, save a few minor details. Within the next few weeks she should be all ready to rock.

I tweeted this earlier, but figured I would repeat it here for those of you Twitterless traditionalists out there: "Lesson #1 about buying liquor in BC: EXTRA TAXES = MORE EXPENSIVE BEER #missingAlberta".

Now, it's not that I really miss Alberta. Well, I do. Sort of. But really what I miss right now is the Alberta beer prices! I paid $30 for a 12 pack of Heineken cans tonight! Talk about highway robbery. From here on in I am going to be seriously reconsidering my beer purchases in the future haha.

Anyhow, it's a crisp, clear Saturday night here in Kamloops. It's almost 10pm local time and I'm still sitting out on my patio comfortably in a t-shirt and shorts. There is no chance I'm doing this if I am in Calgary right now. So I guess when you factor in the great patio weather and then the poor beer prices...things probably even out in the long run.

Tomorrow morning I am off to Osoyoos for a one-week stint lakeside, and then it will be in to Vancouver to catch blink-182 in concert! Cannot wait! I'll do my best to fire something up in the next week, but if not I will certainly hit you guys up once I get back!

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