
I want what's best for me and I think I know what that means

Under the skin, against the skull
They put a little chip so they know it all
I think I might be scared
Of the world and the way it makes you feel afraid
And how it gets in the way

And now I want brimstone in my garden
I want roses set on fire
And I, well I want what's best for me
And I, I think I know just what that means
Just what that means


Top 10 Albums of 2012, Pt. I

With 2012 quickly coming to a close, I threw together a quick top-10 list of my favourite albums from the past year. This is Part I.


Pretending I'm a superman

I'm approaching an odd point in my life where I truly do not know what is next for me.


Rotten things that live in our shadows

For any athlete or relatively active person, there are few things that can be worse than a debilitating injury.


Daydream near a stream with a winter bite

I'm not really sure that I believe "true love" exists in the way that so many people define it.


We could reignite like fireflies

It's days like that today that remind me no matter how bitter I am, music will always be there to pick me up.