
Untitled poem for my father

I'm not going to claim to be a poet, or know the next thing there is to know about poetry. To be honest, I just had an idea, a feeling, an emotion and I ran with it. This is the result:

This is a poem for my father
whose advice I've ignored numerous

Where to go...what to do...how to do it?

I had goals, but no way to achieve, visions but no plans, dreams but no passions.

Needs employment...

I am tired of sleepless nights, stress, constraints
Frustrated within the confines of the classroom.

Always improve...

Today in class we were working on utilizing different writing techniques and styles. This is commonly known as "modelling" and is good practice for helping a writer to find his/her voice.

The next few posts you see from me will be examples of modelling. My own little personal pieces that came out as a result of our work in class today.


Jack of all trades

Earlier this week I was hired as the roving editor of my campus's student newspaper, The Omega. First off, I feel extremely lucky to have been successful as I was in the running against an extremely versatile and talented group of applicants.

In my first week on the job, I was given three very different assignments: dodgeball, hip-hop music and food bank services.


Poor prof...

The professor stood at the front of the room. Speaking to the class, he wondered aloud if his words had fallen on deaf ears.

How to win friends and influence people

For anyone following my Twitter feed, you already have gotten a taste of what I am about to rant on.

Usually I don't like to rant. I try to be a positive person. Looking on the bright side of things is so much more enjoyable than being bitter and irritated with the world.

But some days bitter is the only way to feel.


January 19, 2012

Tonight I heard someone inspire me. Tonight I heard stories that made me want to make a difference. Tonight I realized why I was born to be a storyteller.


What's Gotye?

It might sound like some sort of weird cheese, but let me reassure you... it is much better than that. The question is not, "what is Gotye?" It should actually be, "who is Gotye?"


Great covers are hard to come by

Cover songs are always worth a listen. Sometimes they are so good that most people mistake them for being the original recording. Take Johnny Cash's Hurt. It was a cover of a Nine Inch Nails original written by Trent Reznor.

More often than not a cover song is also very forgettable. If you are lucky enough, you find yourself a cover that simply does justice to the original piece.


The General

I have gotten away from sharing my musical musings with all of you (by all of you I am referring to the...three or so people who probably read this). 

What I've got here is a song that I discovered while still back in high school. An old high school friend of mine made me a random mix CD one day and included this track on it. It may have been my favourite song on that mix CD because I still listen to it and love it today!

Procrastination station and immune system conditioning coaches

Well folks, I am home.

Home from Hope. Safe in Kamloops. Warm and cozy in my nice little den.

As per the title, I am currently procrastinating from writing a short personal essay that is due tomorrow in class. I feel it reasonable that I procrastinate from doing this as I am actually banned from going to class tomorrow. And the next day. And possibly the day after that.


Archipelago's arch-nemesis

Eight student newspaper delegates. One national conference. One gross virus. This is my perspective of a weekend that truly had it all.