
So long 2011...

Well, 2011 has come and passed. It has been a while since I blogged anything. December has been a bit of a hectic month for me. But now I look forward to a brand spanking new year in 2012 that should be full of excitement and opportunity.



First off, this is my first December post! Huzzah!

A lot has happened since I last posted on November 26. I will update the past few weeks in a later post.

As is the norm for me, I'm sitting here on a Sunday night with my iPod on shuffle. This old song by Green Day comes on, "Uptight."


Threat Shark!

Way back on November 13, I blogged about going through some training sessions at 92.5 The X:

I'm also preparing to experiment with broadcast work. I recently just finished up two training sessions at the local campus radio station, 92.5 The X. After finishing up a few more requirements, the goal is to have an alternative rock radio show up and running before the end of this semester. I won't be doing the show solo because that would just be boring. A friend of mine from within the journalism program is also along for the ride, and we will co-host the show together. The hope is that apart from broadcasting and streaming live, we will fire up our show in podcast form following the live-to-air broadcast. There is even the possibility of an accompanying blog to go along with the podcast version of our show. But one step at a time. Once we have the show lined up then we will take a look a few steps beyond.

Here is my update on that situation.

One day I spoke with Gavin Rossdale

I'm not usually one to gush over contact with celebrities, but this time I feel like it.


Head on the wall...

All in all, today was an interesting day.

That is really all I have to say. I'm exhausted and therefore going to bed at a half decent hour tonight. No "up all night" tonight, at least I hope.

Also, I desperately need a hair cut.

I've been listening to Arkells all day today. They're playing a show here in Kamloops tomorrow night that I am hoping to go check out. I won't claim to be a die-hard fan, because I am not. But I do enjoy their music.



Here I am. Another day and another sleepless night.

I've never been able to wrap my head around it. I love sleep. Give me 24-hours with nothing to do and if there isn't hockey on, I will probably sleep for at least 12- to 14-hours minimum. So why can't I sleep when I crawl into bed at a regular hour?


I Can't Stay

More than three years ago, The Killers released Day & Age. At the time, I really only enjoyed the single "Human" and I very quickly dismissed the rest of the album. Three years later in 2011 I discovered the track "I Can't Stay".


An open letter to student politicians

Hello Mr. or Ms. [Insert full name & highly-regarded student political position here],

On behalf of all student journalists around campuses Canada-wide, I would like to thank you for everything that you do not do. I would also like to thank you for staring condescendingly down your extremely large nose at me.

Having been involved in student politics for three years, I feel as though I can fairly criticize you.


We Are All That We Are

Received my copy of the "LOVE Part Two" album from Angels & Airwaves today. Discovered this track at the very end of the album and it instantly sent chills down my spine.

The worst update ever...

It's 1 a.m. and I realize that I have not updated in a while.

I want to update more than this, but it is 1 a.m., the Flames lost brutally tonight and earlier I watched a real life soap opera unfold as three or four bars fought it out over occupancy increases in Kamloops city council today. Besides that, the major issue was over a porta-potty in a residential-area park for a protest group. Oh, the musings of small town politics. Le sigh.


Where are those "Stride" guys...?

With the temperatures steadily dropping here in Kamloops, I was forced to breakout my peacoat and bundle up a little bit the past couple days.

When going through the pockets of my coat today, I made a shocking discovery. Contained within the inner breast pocket of my coat was a pack of gum. Shocking, right? Not really. At least not until I examined just what kind of gum it was...


No, this is NOT a Johnny Cash cover...

It had been a while since I had last listened to Nine Inch Nail's "Hurt." I listened to a few different renditions of it today, including a really cool one featuring David Bowie (check it out below). It really is a violent, yet beautiful song; angry but peaceful; loud but quiet. That probably sounds like a load of rubbish to you. I'm not sure exactly how else to describe the power that "Hurt" relays to the listener. The best advice I can give you is to give it a good, long listen.

NIN Returns

It's been quite some time since we've heard new music from Trent Reznor's infamous Nine Inch Nails. Lately Reznor seems to have been fixated on winning Oscars, getting married and working on side projects (see: The Social Network, Mariqueen Reznor and How To Destroy Angels).

Fear not NIN fans, for Reznor is back doing what made him a success. Reznor has released a cover of U2's "Zoo Station". While there is no new Nine Inch Nails album to look forward to (yet), this is better than nothing.


Wish You Were Here

One last entry for tonight. If you read my previous entry, you will know that I've been on a bit of a Pink Floyd binge tonight. Well, I am happy to say that it has continued.

Re-Discovering Forgotten Songs

Sometimes I have a bad habit of listening to a very small selection of music. I often wonder why I do this, because I have nearly 21,000 songs in my iTunes library. Realistically, there is no excuse for me to be listening to a limited selection of songs.

Queue iTunes DJ on stage left.


ALL-CAPS RAGE re: Lazy Lane Changers


I've been meaning to write something on this for quite some time now. Why? Because it annoys the living hell out of me. What exactly is it that sends me into a blind, ALL-CAPS RAGE when I am behind the wheel of a car? Well, the answer to that question is simple: people who fail to use their blinker.


Stop Draining The Colour Outta My Scene

Not only did I avoid doing homework tonight, but apparently I am about ready to avoid sleep. Or at least procrastinate from sleep. I really don't know why I do it to myself, but it seems to inevitably happen night after night.

As I wait for the kettle to boil (yes, I drink tea) I figured I would hit you with one more song that has really caught my attention from blink-182's "Neighborhoods".

This Ghost Doesn't Haunt Me

First off, I am disappointed with myself for not posting entries here as often as I would like. I'm going to try to improve upon that moving forward. I can't make any promises though.

Tonight, rather than completing my assigned readings for a media theory class, I chose to watch hockey and listen to music. Seems like a logical choice right? Let's just hope my professor doesn't drop a pop quiz tomorrow. That concern isn't entirely unfounded either...he has already threatened us with pop quizzes. Life wouldn't be exciting if we didn't take risks, right? I know, I know...I'm a real modern day Evil Knievel daring to skip readings at the risk of a pop quiz.


An Open Letter to My 3rd-Year Journalism Classmates

Dear 3rd-year journalism classmates,

I love coming to class. I love sitting in lecture and listening to the professor speak. I enjoy participating in hands-on exercises. I love hearing your perspectives and insights. I have gotten to know a number of you and I quite enjoy your company.

Unfortunately, the things that I love about coming to class are often ruined by the inconsiderate actions of others.


Boundless Rocketeers

I am feeling generous this evening, not to mention suffering from a bit of insomnia. Here is one last song to check out, "Boundless Rocketeers" by audio/rocketry, a punk-folk band from the Edmonton area. A much more inspirational song than the last 3eb track I posted, audio/rocketry really is something special.

About To Break

With a flurry of new activity in my life the past few weeks, my mind has been overwhelmed with thoughts. From thoughts fueled by academic study and discussion, to others brought on by simple reminiscing, I've had no shortage of topics to ponder lately.


Apology Purgatory

Almost everybody has one of these...and if not, kudos to you. Chances are it means you face your demons head on and don't let bad dreams haunt you for very long.


After Midnight

It's been a while since I've posted anything, so I figured now was a better time than any other. I'm back from vacation and trying to settle in here in my new digs in Kamloops. Realistically I have only spent a few days in the place when you consider I spent three days moving in, then went on vacation to Osoyoos/Vancouver, and returned to four friends visiting this past weekend. I'm looking forward to having some time to get used to the thought of this being home.


First Free Night in the 'Loops

Well kids, I'm finally all settled in my new digs here in beautiful British Columbia. After driving out here on Wednesday, I finally have found a few hours to myself here on this Saturday night. The place is all set up for the most part, save a few minor details. Within the next few weeks she should be all ready to rock.

I tweeted this earlier, but figured I would repeat it here for those of you Twitterless traditionalists out there: "Lesson #1 about buying liquor in BC: EXTRA TAXES = MORE EXPENSIVE BEER #missingAlberta".


Where in the World is...TRoc?

If you caught my last post, you already know that I've been on the road working for the past three weeks. After going nearly three full months without any form of employment, I realized that I probably should find some temporary form of work. Thankfully, the government came calling and offered me work with a "travel team" doing work that, as per the terms of my employment, I am not allowed to speak of within the realm of social media. Well, my "unnamed" and "mysterious" job will go nondescript, but I certainly will talk about all the places I got to see as I traveled our beautiful province of Alberta.


Certainly Doesn't Induce "Anxiety" With This Guy!

First off, this is my first post in over three weeks! I was on the road working for some mad dolla dolla bills, but thankfully I am back in civilization once again. That means you lovely folks should all be hearing from me a little more frequently from now on. I've got lots going on in the coming weeks, and I can pretty much guarantee that it is all of the "exciting" variety. I won't go into any detail now because that would just ruin future topics of discussion!


My "Gift" to you on a Saturday night in July

Without question one of my favorite tracks off of Angels & Airwaves debut album We Don't Need To Whisper, is "The Gift".

Start My Machine...

Do you ever have those days where you just feel really alone? Like there is no one there to listen to your thoughts...other than your own mind? Do you ever feel like, even if someone is there to listen to you, they just don't understand a single word that is coming out of your mouth? Like as if it isn't even a language they understand or speak?


What Could Possibly Make This Better?... Steve's Hair

The most unfortunate thing about this post is that I cannot share it with all of you immediately upon its completion (approx. time that I penned this: 3pm Pacific on Sunday, July 17). Currently, I find myself seated at the summit of Rogers Pass on the Trans-Canada Highway.


Up All Night...For Real

All right folks. I've dabbled in blogging before. I've had a number of personal blogs, none of which I have managed to upkeep for much longer than a few months. I hope to buck that trend with my latest effort, Up All Night.