
"Ten Thousand Hours"

Well folks, the home stretch is here. The final month of the 2012-13 academic year.


The final month already?

It certainly came quickly. The odd thing is, if you're feeling the way I am these days, the end can't come quick enough. 


Conquer: March 9

Back on Jan. 25, I spouted off a list of things I hoped to strive towards in 2013. I figure with a month and a half gone, it was time I checked in.

After all, what else is there to keep me accountable?


Driftin' so long, from myself and from the pain//
Driftin' so long, I think I found better way//

I feel like I've been changing//
And I dont' like just what I see//
I feel like I'm the victim//
And my own worst enemy//

Different day, same struggle

Slow motion as time slips through my knuckles//
Nothing beautiful about it, no light at the tunnel//