
An Open Letter to My 3rd-Year Journalism Classmates

Dear 3rd-year journalism classmates,

I love coming to class. I love sitting in lecture and listening to the professor speak. I enjoy participating in hands-on exercises. I love hearing your perspectives and insights. I have gotten to know a number of you and I quite enjoy your company.

Unfortunately, the things that I love about coming to class are often ruined by the inconsiderate actions of others.

To all my classmates who deem it necessary to sit on Facebook chat for the entirety of class, at least try typing quietly. The noise of you hammering away on the keyboard is not helping me absorb the professor's lecture. It's actually giving me a headache. If you would rather spend class time on Facebook chat, I have a suggestion for you: stay at home. Don't disturb my learning experience. Don't disturb the learning experience of any of your classmates. I won't speak for anyone else, but I will venture a guess that they don't appreciate inconsiderate individuals interfering with their learning experience. I realize that some students take notes using Microsoft Word; that is acceptable. But when I see you talking to friends on Facebook, that is where my tolerance ends.

To all my classmates who would rather watch fashion videos while classmates give presentations, don't be rude. Your classmates gave you their undivided attention when you nervously stumbled through your presentation. The least you can do is show the same respect that your classmates gave to you. It's just common courtesy.

To all my classmates who would rather have their own individual discussion rather than participate in the group discussion, please choose to gossip on your own time. I appreciate chatting with friends, in fact I love talking with my friends. My issue is that I do not appreciate it when your chat time interferes with class discussion. When I have difficulty hearing the class discussion because you are having a loud and unrelated personal chat, there is a problem.

In conclusion, all that I am asking for is a little respect for our shared learning environment. I probably sound like a grumpy, old, high-strung keener, and feel free to think of me in that way if you wish. All I want is a classroom learning experience free of distractions and interruptions where fellow students respect one another. I don't think that should be too much to ask.

See you in class on Monday.



1 comment:

Brendan Kergin said...

Dude, we should throw that in as an opinion piece in the Omega. If you want edit it a little to be a little more vague, that'd be cool, but I think that's really while written, concise, and probably a common thought. You're call.